Allied Health Professions
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Allied Health Professions

Here you will find information about allied health professions roles in healthcare across Nottinghamshire.

Get started

The Allied Health Professions are a family of specialist roles who use their knowledge and skills to help patients live the fullest lives possible. They work directly with patients, so they can see the difference they make every day. Allied Health Professionals make up the third largest clinical workforce in the NHS. There are 15 different roles working across a range of sectors from emergency response and diagnosis to mental and physical rehabilitation.

Studying to become an Allied Health Professional is very hands-on. You’ll help real patients as you earn your degree, and graduate ready to start a fulfilling career.

See our videos and links to find out more.

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Here you will find roles within the Allied Health Professions

Case Studies

Here you will find real life stories and examples of what it is like to work in Healthcare.

Health Care

Dan – Physiotherapist



Here you will find real life stories and examples of what it is like to work in Healthcare.

A career in Radiotherapy

A career in Radiotherapy

Life as a Diagnostic Radiographer

Life as a Diagnostic Radiographer

Life as a Therapeutic Radiographer

Life as a Therapeutic Radiographer

Education and requirements for Allied Health Professions

Find out more about AHPs
Virtual experience a day in the life of an Allied Health Professional
Learn more about Radiography
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