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The NHS has seen the emergence of new professional roles for non-medically qualified practitioners working within multi-professional teams as part of the continuing drive to provide safe, accessible and high quality care for patients.
Medical Associate Professionals enhance the workforce, performing a range of tasks traditionally associated with doctors in training. They do not replace junior doctors but play their own part in bridging skills gaps, retaining skills and knowledge within teams, and maintaining continuity of care.
Here you will find information about Medical Associate Profession roles
Role |
Advanced critical care practitioner |
Anaesthesia associate |
Physician associate |
Surgical care practitioner |
Case Studies
Here you will find real life stories and examples of what it is like to work in Healthcare.
Sara – Nurse to Surgical Care Practitioner
Here you will find real life stories and examples of what it is like to work in Healthcare.
Who are MAPs
Physicians Associates in GP Practice
Here you will find real life stories and examples of what it is like to work in Healthcare.