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Here you will find all the information on what is happening in Nottinghamshire for specific careers

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CARE4Notts is proud to work with career leaders on a number of specific career pathways and workforce initiatives for health and social care across Nottinghamshire.

Here you will find all the information on what is happening in Nottinghamshire for specific careers.

The Late Career Hub

If you are a late career healthcare professional or someone who manages and mentors late career workers, please explore our range of resources to help maintain and support later life working.

Late Careers logo

Advanced Practitioners – APs

Building a recognised and visible advanced practitioner workforce is a priority for the NHS; there is a clear and identified need for highly experienced clinicians who are trained to an advanced level of practice.

Advanced Practitioners (APs) come from a variety of professional backgrounds including nursing, physiotherapy, pharmacy, paramedics and occupational therapy. They are experienced healthcare professionals who have developed their skills and knowledge to take on expanded roles and scopes of patient care.


We work to support the following important aspects of Allied Health Professionals’ career journeys:  

  • Work experience 
  • Careers 
  • Apprenticeships 
  • Development
  • Coordination and expansion of clinical placements 
  • Preceptorship 
  • Return to practice 

Pharmacy Workforce Faculty 

The Nottinghamshire Pharmacy Workforce Faculty is a group of health, social care, Private, Independent and Voluntary Organisations (PIVO), education and training providers, and Arms Length Bodies (ALB), that formally work together across Nottingham and Nottinghamshire Integrated Care System (ICS) to:

  • Support and deliver a collective approach to increasing placement capacity
  • Support Continuing Professional Development (CPD)
  • Promote career pathways
  • Develop Advanced Clinical Practice (ACP) and Consultant Pharmacist roles
  • Support those associated with independent prescribing qualification
  • Build partnerships with education providers
  • Address other local training and education priorities
  • Provide a forum for discussion
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