Allied Health Professions (AHPs) Day
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Allied Health Professions (AHPs) Day

AHPs Day – celebrate, appreciate, inspire and connect


Allied Health Professions (AHPs) Day

AHPs’ Day is an annual opportunity for AHPs to come together and celebrate being part of the AHP family.  The day gives an opportunity to showcase to others the impact they make to the delivery of high quality care.

This year, we will be celebrating AHPs’ Day by promoting the key themes of celebrate, appreciate, inspire and connect. You can follow the celebrations on Twitter #AHPsDay

The allied health professions are a family of specialist roles who use their knowledge and skills to help patients live the fullest lives possible. They work directly with patients, so they can see the difference they make every day.

Studying to become an allied health professional is very hands-on. You’ll help real patients as you earn your degree, and graduate ready to start a fulfilling career.

To find out more about the AHP professions visit

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