NHS Cadets is a new scheme created by St John Ambulance in partnership with the NHS, providing opportunities to explore skills, knowledge, and volunteering roles within healthcare. It is aimed at young people aged 14 to 18 who are from communities currently under-represented within the NHS and St John Ambulance.
The programme offers young people health awareness sessions, courses to develop their leadership and communication skills and insight or experience in volunteering within the NHS and care.
CARE4Notts are running two programmes in 2021:
- Foundation programme for those 14-16 years old in the Mansfield area for 30 young people.
- Advanced programme for 16-18 year olds in the Nottingham City area for 20 young people
It is a free programme, consisting of weekly, 2-hour sessions for 11 months. Cadets will be supported throughout their volunteering journey by our NHS Cadets Team.
How do I get involved?
New groups will be opening from September 2021, and by 2023 10,000 young people will have enrolled as NHS Cadets.
The September 2021 programmes will initially be delivered virtually with a look to face-to-face sessions in the near future.
For further information about the programme, please visit: https://nhscadets.sja.org.uk/join-today/ where you will find details on programme locations and how to register to join NHS cadets.