Emma moved into social care after studying health and social care at college.
Emma studied health and social care at college and gained a level 3 qualification. She did a variety of placements before deciding her passion lay in supporting older vulnerable people. After college, she joined a care agency as a care assistant and loved it. She found the work rewarding and went home with a smile on her face nearly every day.
Throughout her career Emma has understood the importance of continuing to learn new things and has done lots of short courses including dementia care and Parkinson’s disease.
Emma’s currently doing a level 5 qualification and is being developed for promotion to a customer services manager. To help her in this promotion, she supports the current customer services managers and provides cover for them when needed.
This has helped her gain relevant experience, ready for when a full-time position comes up. Emma’s ambition for the future is to carry on doing what she feels passionately about and perhaps one day become a care manager, something her level 5 diploma will support her with.